Wyatt Harris
Student Pastor
I grew up in a single mother household where I had a general knowledge of God. I knew that Jesus existed, that He died on a cross for me, and that I get to live forever because of what He did. However, this belief was a churchless religion and it went no further than my skin. My mother started dragging me to church my sophomore year of high school. It was a cowboy church and the main services were on Thursdays instead of Sundays. I faithfully attended both Thursdays and Sundays, which were when the youth would meet. Despite constantly keeping my external moral appearance, I was broken and profoundly struggling on the inside. I was slowly realizing that I could not keep the commandments given by God. My senior year of high school the Lord broke through my hard heart and opened my eyes to the glory of the gospel in Jesus Christ. I received Christ and surrendered to his Lordship.
I headed off to college at Texas Christian University where I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. During this time as a new believer, I was increasingly desiring to go into ministry. I battled with this new desire by contemplating teaching math at a middle school or high school level. After tutoring for a semester in a Fort Worth middle school, I knew that teaching math would not do. Rather, I needed to teach something with more direct eternal impact, namely the Word of God.
I moved back home to east Texas to help my mom with the cattle as well as reduce costs to pay off student loans faster. I participated in a ministry internship that was local but had to leave after three months. Devastated and uncertain of what was next, I worked at Nike for 7 months to pay my bills. Then, I began private tutoring and an internship with The Hub, a nonprofit ministry in Shreveport, Louisiana. I interned for a year with the Hub while also studying the Word as much as I could. In April 2018 I came to New Hebron Baptist Church as a student pastor. I am looking forward to what God will do through the preaching and teaching of His Word in my life and in the life of the church.
May you know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,
that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:19)
Wyatt Harris